Must-know facts about the TPP - Firsthand access to the IP Chapter


Must-know facts about the TPP - Firsthand access to the IP Chapter

TIPO hosted an information session on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) at NTU’s Tsai Lecture Hall, December 29, 2015. Director General Wang, Mei-hua introduced key points of the TPP’s Intellectual Property (IP) Chapter (Download), analyzed legislative discrepancies in the existing laws and regulations of Taiwan, and explained relevant preparation for Taiwan to join the TPP. In addition, DG Wang exchanged views with participants in the Q&A. The information session was composed of around 400 people, including judges, lawyers, patent attorneys, industry representatives, scholars and government officials.

The IP Chapter stipulates standards of IP protection that are partly higher than existing international agreements. These standards could become global IP standards in the future. Much attention was given to the negotiation process and there were controversies surrounding these standards. As such, the IP Chapter was the last agreed upon of all the thirty chapters of the TPP text. The final version of the IP Chapter contains 83 articles, 6 appendices, and 159 footnotes on cooperation (patent examination, traditional knowledge), trademark, geographical indication, patent/undisclosed test data, industrial design, copyright and related rights, enforcement, as well as ISPs. This IP Chapter stipulates comprehensive and tangible regulations, and upholds higher standards than the TRIPS Agreement. When the final version came out, TIPO immediately began translation and took stock of legislative discrepancies found in the existing laws and regulations of Taiwan. Accordingly, most of the laws and regulations in Taiwan are in line with those in the IP Chapter. There are, however, certain legislative discrepancies that require harmonization if Taiwan is to join the TPP for higher standards of protection.

Since the WTO Doha Round stalemate, countries have concentrated their efforts on bilateral or regional trade agreement talks. This, however, could result in certain countries being left out of trading and investment partnerships. Taiwan, for instance, relies heavily on trade and should actively partake in regional economic integration to maintain its global competitiveness. To this purpose, TIPO hosted this information session and provided participants with firsthand access to the IP Chapter of the TPP. In the event, they were able to learn more about the IP Chapter and have lively discussion with DG Wang. This was a successful information session.

The information session will be recorded and made available to the public at the TIPO website.

Source:  TIPO, Link

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