[請求項用語解釋-US判決系列] 解釋Adjacent: 你和我之間容得下第三者嗎?




本文係以Free Motion Fitness, Inc. v. Cybex Intern., Inc., 423 F.3d 1343 (Fed. Cir. 2005)案對Adjacent的解釋進行說明,藉以提出在撰稿時可能可以注意事項的建議。本判決涉及其他議題,因與本文主題無關,故本文不加以說明。

法官: Rader, Dyk, Prost

上訴人:Free Motion Fitness, Inc. (以下稱Free Motion)

被上訴人:Cybex International, Inc.及The Nautilus Group, Inc. (下稱Nautilus)

系爭專利:Free Motion的US 6,238,323 and US 6,458,061 (‘061專利),專利涉及一運動器材。

Free Motion對 猶他州北區聯邦地方法院(US District Court, D. Utah, Northern Division)判Nautilus不侵權的簡易判決(Summary Judgment)提出上訴,美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院(Court of Appeal Federal Circuit)對此於2005/9/16做出判決,CAFC撤銷該簡易判決、要求地院基於正確的請求項解釋進行文義與均等侵權之判斷、並對禁反言之決定 持保留態度。

本案adjacent的解釋爭點在於:adjacent(相鄰)應解釋為not distal (不太遠),還是relatively near and having nothing of the same kind intervening (相對近且無同種構件介於其間),若解釋為前者,則Nautilus產品讀入’061專利該用語;反之,則無。

‘061專利的claim 1為此兩專利的代表請求項,記載如下:

1. An exercise apparatus, comprising:

a resistance assembly;

a cable linking a first extension arm and a second extension arm to the resistance assembly, wherein the cable includes a first strand and a second strand;

the first extension arm includes a first end pivotally supported adjacent the resistance assembly at a first pivot point rotating about a first axis and a free second end from which the first strand of the cable extends for engagement by a user, the first end of the first extension arm further including a pulley having an axis of rotation offset from the first pivot point and rotating about an axis substantially parallel to the first axis;

the second extension arm includes a first end pivotally supported adjacent the resistance assembly at a second pivot point rotating about a second axis and a free second end from which the first strand of the cable extends for engagement by a user, the first end of the second extension arm further including a pulley having an axis of rotation offset from the second pivot point and rotating about an axis substantially parallel to the second axis.

請 參考下圖,Claim 1中與adjacent相關的記載有「the first extension arm 112 includes a first end 160 pivotally supported adjacent the resistance assembly 132 at a first pivot point 174 rotating about a first axis」(第一延伸臂112包含第一端160,第一端於一第一樞接點174樞接地支撐相鄰的阻力組件132,第一樞接點以第一軸174為中心旋轉)、 「the first end of the first extension arm further including a pulley having an axis of rotation offset from the first pivot point and rotating about an axis substantially parallel to the first axis」(第一端另具有一滾輪184,滾輪的旋轉軸偏移於該第一樞接點174,該滾輪184旋轉軸實質平行於該第一軸174)。



下圖為與系爭產品Cybex FT 360同型號在網路上的圖片1,但不確定是否為系爭產品,僅供參考以便於理解。




地 院判決認為adjacent(相鄰)意指「that objects may or may not be in contact, but are not adjacent to each other where there is another object between them」(相鄰意指可以相接觸或可以不相接觸,但若在兩者中間有其他物體則非相鄰),因此,claim 1的第一樞接點174應是指最接近阻力組件的樞接點,因Nautilus能像claimed arm一樣旋轉的樞接點與阻力組件之間具有另一個能像門把一樣旋轉的樞接點(Nautilus最接近阻力組件的樞接點的旋轉軸並未實質與臂的旋轉軸平 行),故地院判Nautilus未文義侵權。

CAFC依據2005年Phillips2判決,重申請求項解釋之規範:Philips案釐清適當地使用字典來做請求項解釋,駁回了「除非與內部證據相矛盾,不然字典定義決定意涵」的觀點(rejecting the view that dictionary definitions govern unless contradicted by intrinsic evidence),相反地,法院必須確定任何依賴字典的解釋與內部證據一致(即請求項本身、說明書、及審查歷程)(the court must ensure that any reliance on dictionaries accords with the intrinsic evidence: the claims themselves, the specification, and the prosecution history)。依Philips,法院將賦予請求項用語一通常意義的最大範圍的原則並不表示該用語將假設 性地獲得字典的最寬廣定義或多個字典定義的集合(the rule that a court will give a claim term the full range of its ordinary meaning does not mean that the term will presumptively receive its broadest dictionary definition or the aggregate of multiple dictionary definitions.),而在參考字典來解釋是適當的情形時,[法官]任務就是仔細審查內部證據以決定最合適的定義(in those circumstances where reference to dictionaries is appropriate, the task is to scrutinize the intrinsic evidence in order to determine the most appropriate definition.)。

接 著,由於內部證據未對adjacent定義,故CAFC依韋伯字典(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary)得到可能適合本案的二個adjacent的定義:not distal(不太遠)、及relatively near and having nothing of the same kind intervening(相對近且無同種構件介於其間)。CAFC表示未能在內部證據中找到任何在第一樞接點與阻力組件間設置中間樞接點有什麼問題的說 明,也未排除在樞接點與阻力組件間設置另一樞接點之態樣,CAFC引用另一判決支持此論述Renishaw PLC v. Marposs Societa' Per Azioni, 158 F.3d 1243 (Fed. Cir. 1998) ("[W]here there are several common meanings for a claim term, the patent disclosure serves to point away from the improper meanings and toward the proper meaning."當請求項用語有多個一般性意涵時,說明書用來指向合適的涵並遠離不適用的意涵),CAFC表示說明書建議adjacent單純指not distant,而兩造在地院都同意其義為near,故CAFC認為地院對adjacent之解釋有誤。

由於請求項記載了第一樞接點的旋轉軸實質平行於滾輪的旋轉軸,而Nautilus產品最接近阻力組件的樞接點的軸未平行於滾輪軸,故Nautilus另依claim其他用語認為claimed樞接點應為最接近於阻力組件者,因為請求項記載「the first extension arm includes a first end pivotally supported adjacent the resistance assembly at a first pivot point rotating about a first axis」,Nautilus表示若claimed樞接點非最近接阻力組件者,則無法support延伸臂,也無法設於延伸臂的一端(first end)。CAFC表示地院並未依此論述而做出不侵權判決,而CAFC表示未能查覺該claim記載中的support指的是完全support, 且CAFC亦不同意first end指的就是該樞接點必須最靠近阻力組件。地院對end的解釋是指具有長度的一端,並非指末端端頭,兩造亦未對此有任何反駁。因此,CAFC認為該記載 僅指claimed樞接點要位於延伸臂的一端並能support延伸臂即可。CAFC重申claimed樞接點與阻力組件間能有其他樞接點。

PROST法 官同意地院對adjacent所挑選的二個最適合本案的一般性解釋,並表示如同多數意見「用語並不會假設性地獲得字典的最寬廣定義」,但當PROST仔細 檢閱內部證據時,PROS表示未能找到任何可以讓adjacent解釋成not distant這麼寬廣意涵的支持內容,相反的,只能找到支持relatively near and having nothing of the same kind intervening的內容。說明書並未有任何內容描述當一支點與阻力單元之間還有另一個支點時,該原支點可視為adjacent阻力組件。若有此類描 述,方能採用not distant這個廣泛的定義。

其次,較窄定義看起來與通常英語用法較為一致,請參考下圖3, 例如: Connecticut is near New Jersey, but one does not describe them as “adjacent.”(康州接近紐澤西,但不會說他們相鄰)。因為紐約州的一部分位於其間。其次,在西洋棋中,一般認為二個contiguous(毗鄰 的)方塊區域為adjacent,若兩者間隔著另一方塊,是不會視為adjacent,即使兩者是相對近的relatively near。



多 數意見的論理看來是從最寬廣的定義著手,參考說明書來了解該定義是否被限縮,而非決定是否說明書有揭露任何較該較窄定義為寬的內容(The majority’s reasoning appears to start with the broadest definition and consult the written description only to see if that definition is narrowed, rather than determining whether the specification discloses anything broader than the narrow definition.) Philips案解釋「問題是假如地 院在每個案子都從較寬廣的字典定義開始且完全未鑒別說明書如何隱含地限縮該定義,錯誤將會系統性地造成請求項被過度擴張地解釋,假如法院一開始專注於專利 權人如何在請求項中、說明書中、及審查歷程中使用該用語,而非從一個較廣廣的定義開始再限縮它,則此系統性過廣的風險將會大大地減少」(“The problem is that if the district court starts with the broad dictionary definition in every case and fails to fully appreciate how the specification implicitly limits that definition, the error will systematically cause the construction of the claim to be unduly expansive. The risk of systematic overbreadth is greatly reduced if the court instead focuses at the outset on how the patentee used the claim term in the claims, specification, and prosecution history, rather than starting with a broad definition and whittling it down.”)4

就 PROST觀點,多數意見(主判決)並未企圖決定發明人實際發明什麼,而是以請求項用語最寬廣可獲得的且未明確地被說明書所否決的抽象意義為之,此種解釋 方式將允許權利範圍擴張於發明人書面說明及請求項所展示他的發明的範圍之上。Free Motion想出他所描述與主張的(claimed)特定結構,多數意見脫離了與說明書中所有實施例最接近的adjacent的解釋意義,而給予大於發明 人實際發明與主張的範圍。

內 部證據未對某用語做定義時,法院會從外部證據找出幾個可能適合系爭專利的定義,再依據內部證據決定最適當的定義。適合本案adjacent的通常定義有二 個,not distant及relatively near and having nothing of the same kind intervening,未來我們在寫說明書或請求項用到adjacent時,若發明本身可以接受兩者之間有相同物體,建議在說明書及實施例中再以說明, 以避免被過窄解釋。

與adjacent類似的字,較常見的是next to, near, close to等;英譯時,那一個用語是最接近發明本質為首要考量,其次,再思考要如何補充說明方能避免被過窄解釋。讀者或許會思考,若採用near是否就沒有上述問題呢?在Young v. Lumenis, Inc., 492 F.3d 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2007)案中,地院因near而判定違反35 USC 112 P2明確性要求而無效,雖Young案在CAFC獲得平反,但亦表示此類程度性用語在使用上都要非常謹慎,以避免被解釋成不希望的範圍、或因不明確而無效。

最後,Philips案是把多年請求項解釋的分歧意見統一的關鍵判決,而本判決為Philips案 後二個月的判決,在部分見解上仍有少許分歧,例如,當內部證據未定義某用語而參考字典的一般定義時,是要從較寬廣的定義開始,看內部證據是否有限縮,還是 從較窄的定義開始,看內部證據是否有放寬,此二解釋方式,結果定會相異。本案多數意見(主判決)採前者,反對意見採用後者,至於截至2015的今日,見解 是否一統,容讀者隨著本所的電子報一同繼續看下去。

  1.  http://www.fitnesssuperstore.com/Cybex-FT-360-Functional-Trainer-p/cybexft360.htm
  2. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc)
  3. 圖來自於https://upload.wikimedia.org
  4. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1321 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc)


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